How to make hot flash tea.
Its a fact of life for women to go through menopause. Next time you feel hot flashes come forth grab a cup of hot flash tea to sooth yourself.
Boil one cup of water.
Put 2 teaspoons each of garden sage and mother wort and 1 teaspoon of aniseed to the bottom of your mug for your tea.
Slowly pour 1 cup of boiling water in your mug with the herbs in it.
Cover the mug and let steep for 15 minutes.
Strain the teas, and sweeten if desired. A very small amount of honey works well.
Get in a comfy chair and sip you tea. This is a great to prevent and to treat hot flashes. I drink a cup before I go to bed, and one during the night if I awaken by hot flashes.
Its a fact of life for women to go through menopause. Next time you feel hot flashes come forth grab a cup of hot flash tea to sooth yourself.
Boil one cup of water.
Put 2 teaspoons each of garden sage and mother wort and 1 teaspoon of aniseed to the bottom of your mug for your tea.
Slowly pour 1 cup of boiling water in your mug with the herbs in it.
Cover the mug and let steep for 15 minutes.
Strain the teas, and sweeten if desired. A very small amount of honey works well.
Get in a comfy chair and sip you tea. This is a great to prevent and to treat hot flashes. I drink a cup before I go to bed, and one during the night if I awaken by hot flashes.