How to Make Honeysuckle Sore Throat Syrup

How to Make Honeysuckle Sore Throat Syrup

Sweet-smelling honeysuckles are beautiful and often grow wild in masses along fences and buildings, but not many people know that the lovely flowers also have medicinal qualities. If you have a sore and scratchy throat, honeysuckle sore throat syrup might be just the thing to sooth the pain.

Things You'll Need:

3 cups fresh honeysuckle flowers and leaves

1 1/2 quart of water

Large saucepan

1 1/2 cups pure honey


Trim 3 cups of honeysuckle blooms and leaves from a fresh, unsprayed plant.


Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan and add the honeysuckle blooms and leaves. Simmer them gently for 10 minutes and strain the water into a bowl.


Put the honeysuckle water back in the saucepan and add the pure honey.


Allow the honeysuckle water and honey to come to a boil, and boil it for a minute.


Store the honeysuckle sore throat syrup in the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to a month; or divide it into small individual sized servings and put them in the freezer.

Tips & Warnings

Gargle and swallow 1 ounce of honeysuckle sore throat syrup every two hours.

Don't give honeysuckle sore throat syrup, or anything else containing honey, to
under one year of age.

If you suspect you may have strep throat, see a doctor immediately. Although honeysuckle sore throat syrup can relieve the pain of strep throat, antibiotics are required to deal with a strep infection, which can lead to more serious illness if left untreated.