How to Make Kava Kava Taste Good

How to Make Kava Kava Taste Good

Kava kava (Piper methysticum), or Awa as it is called in Hawaii, is the best-researched herb for promoting relief from feelings of anxiety. The traditional way of preparing this plant root is to dry it, grind it to a fine powder and then mix it with tepid water. The resulting beverage is said to taste a lot like dirt! To improve the taste, and yet still get the relaxing and anti-anxiety effects of this herb, you can mix the muddy kava liquid into a smoothie.

Things You'll Need:

1 oz. dried kava kava root, powdered

<br>Clean T-shirt

<br>Large bowl

<br>2 cups room temperature water

<br>Pineapple juice

<br>Milk or soy milk

<br>Yogurt (lemon flavor is a tasty choice, but experiment with other flavors, perhaps banana)


<br>Ice cubes

<br>Sugar or honey (optional)


Stretch a clean t-shirt over a large bowl.


Place your powdered kava in the t-shirt and then pour the water over it, squeezing the wad of wet kava to get all of the liquid out.


Add the liquid in the bowl to a blender jar.


Add 1 cup milk or soy milk, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup pineapple or other fruit juice, sugar or honey if you want it, and several ice cubes to the blender.


Blend at the fastest setting for 1 minute.


Pour into glasses and enjoy.

Tips & Warnings

A 2002 news report stated that kava can be harmful to the liver and kidneys, but recent research has shown that if taken in small doses on an infrequent basis, no liver damage has been reported.

How to Make Juniper Berry Ointment

How to Make Juniper Berry Ointment

If you're live in a part of the world that has an abundance of juniper
, harvest some berries and make some simple but very beneficial juniper berry ointment. Juniper berries have powerful anti-inflammatory qualities and the ointment can be used to treat painful and stiff joints and sore muscles.

Things You'll Need:

Juniper berries

Distilled water

Oil, such as olive oil, sweet almond oil or tea tree oil


Cheesecloth or muslin


Sterilized jars with lids


Pick juniper berries when they are fully ripe, generally towards the end of summer.


Soak the juniper berries in distilled water for several hours, or overnight.


Place the berries and oil in the top of a double boiler and place it over low heat. Bring the water to a simmer for several minutes.


Remove the pan from the heat and strain the juniper berries through a layer of muslin or cheesecloth laid in a strainer. Discard the berries and preserve the oil.


Put the strained juniper berry oil back in the double boiler and put it back on the burner. Stir in the beeswax and allow it to melt.


Pour the juniper berry ointment into sterilized jars and attach the lids securely.


Massage the juniper berry ointment as needed into sore joints and muscles.

Tips & Warnings

Juniper berry ointment shouldn't be used by pregnant women because it can stimulate the uterus.

As with any home remedy, it is best to consult your physician before you begin using your juniper berry ointment.

How to Make Itching Spray For Chicken Pox

How to Make Itching Spray For Chicken Pox

Essential oils and witch hazel in this recipe will not only help the itch but help to dry the blisters of chicken pox quicker. The added aloe vera will help heal and prevent scarring.

Things You'll Need:

1 tablespoon honey

40 drops lavender essential oil

15 drops lemon essential oil

15 drops bergamot essential oil

5 drops peppermint essential oil

1 teaspoon carrot seed oil

1/2 cup aloe vera gel

1/2 cup distilled witch hazel


In a measuring cup, mix the honey, essential oils, carrot seed oil and aloe vera gel. Stir to mix completely.


Add the witch hazel and mix well.


Pour into a spray bottle. Spray on the affected areas, avoiding the eyes. This can be used several times a day.

How to make hot flash tea.

How to make hot flash tea.

Its a fact of life for women to go through menopause. Next time you feel hot flashes come forth grab a cup of hot flash tea to sooth yourself.


Boil one cup of water.


Put 2 teaspoons each of garden sage and mother wort and 1 teaspoon of aniseed to the bottom of your mug for your tea.


Slowly pour 1 cup of boiling water in your mug with the herbs in it.


Cover the mug and let steep for 15 minutes.


Strain the teas, and sweeten if desired. A very small amount of honey works well.


Get in a comfy chair and sip you tea. This is a great to prevent and to treat hot flashes. I drink a cup before I go to bed, and one during the night if I awaken by hot flashes.

How to Make Honeysuckle Sore Throat Syrup

How to Make Honeysuckle Sore Throat Syrup

Sweet-smelling honeysuckles are beautiful and often grow wild in masses along fences and buildings, but not many people know that the lovely flowers also have medicinal qualities. If you have a sore and scratchy throat, honeysuckle sore throat syrup might be just the thing to sooth the pain.

Things You'll Need:

3 cups fresh honeysuckle flowers and leaves

1 1/2 quart of water

Large saucepan

1 1/2 cups pure honey


Trim 3 cups of honeysuckle blooms and leaves from a fresh, unsprayed plant.


Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan and add the honeysuckle blooms and leaves. Simmer them gently for 10 minutes and strain the water into a bowl.


Put the honeysuckle water back in the saucepan and add the pure honey.


Allow the honeysuckle water and honey to come to a boil, and boil it for a minute.


Store the honeysuckle sore throat syrup in the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to a month; or divide it into small individual sized servings and put them in the freezer.

Tips & Warnings

Gargle and swallow 1 ounce of honeysuckle sore throat syrup every two hours.

Don't give honeysuckle sore throat syrup, or anything else containing honey, to
under one year of age.

If you suspect you may have strep throat, see a doctor immediately. Although honeysuckle sore throat syrup can relieve the pain of strep throat, antibiotics are required to deal with a strep infection, which can lead to more serious illness if left untreated.

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste and Mouthwash

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste and Mouthwash

Making homemade oral care products is not only quite simple, but also extremely cheaper and much better for you. Homemade oral care products are also just as effective as store bought. With a few simple ingredients, you can easily make your own oral products that will keep your mouth clean and feeling fresh.


The most important component of toothpaste is some form of abrasive. An abrasive is the ingredient in toothpaste that helps remove stains, tartar and plaque build up from your teeth.There are many different kinds of abrasives that can be used. Calcium carbonate, finely ground pumice, bicarbonate of soda and finely ground salt are all forms of abrasives that can be used in a toothpaste. It is very important to note that abrasives should be as finely ground as possible before using. Harsh abrasives can scratch and damage tooth enamel and should be avoided.


Sage Tooth Powder

1/4 cup finely ground sea salt
1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda
1 tablespoon dried sage leaves, ground fine
1 tablespoon dried peppermint leaves, ground fine
10 drops tincture of myrrh or spearmint

Mix all of your dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add one drop of the tincture at a time, stirring to prevent any caking. Store your powder in an airtight container.


Cinnamon Tooth Powder

1 cup bicarbonate of soda
2 tablespoons ground sea salt
1 tablespoon dried lemon peel, ground until powdered
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Mix all of your ingredients together until blended thoroughly. Store in an airtight container.


Orange Tooth Powder

1/2 cup calcium carbonate
1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda
10 drops peppermint oil
5 drops cinnamon oil

Mix all of your dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add the oils a few drops at a time, stirring all the while to prevent caking. Store in an airtight container.


Many people like to use mouthwash as a quick way to freshen breath and help remove excess bacteria from the mouth. These recipes are great for helping to sweeten your breath and keep your mouth and gums healthy. They do contain alcohol, but so does store bought mouthwash. It is the alcohol that helps to kill bacteria in your mouth.


Mint and Honey Mouthwash

This mouthwash works great to freshen breath and help heal mouth ulcers and sores.

1/2 cup brandy/sherry mixed
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 teaspoon runny honey
1 tablespoon dried and finely crushed peppermint leaves
1 tablespoon dried and finely crushed sage leaves
1 tablespoon ground cloves
10 drops tincture of myrrh.

This recipe takes a little while to make. Mix all of your ingredients in a well sealed jar. Allow the mixture to steep for about one week, shaking the jar frequently. After a week, strain the mixture through a fine colander or cheese cloth. Add about 1 teaspoon of this to 1/4 cup of water to rinse mouth. Do not use mixture only by itself, you should always add it to water. Never swallow the mixture.


Sage Mouthwash

This mouth was has wonderful antiseptic properties. It will help to sweeten your breath and cure mouth sores and ulcers.

3 1/2 fl oz sherry
3 1/3 fl oz vodka
1 table spoon dried sage leaves
1 tablespoon dried thyme leaves
2 teaspoons glycerin
10 drops of peppermint essential oil
5 drops of tea tree essential oil

Mix all of your ingredients in a well sealed jar. You will also need to allow this mixture to steep for a week or so, shaking the jar frequently. After the mixture is done steeping, strain through a fine colander or cheesecloth. Add about 1 teaspoon of the mix to about 1/2 cup of water. Swish through mouth and rinse. Never swallow the mixture.


If mixing up mouthwash is not for you, you can also fix yourself a very quick and easy mouthwash. Simply add about 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to about 1/2 cup of water. Swish through your mouth and rinse.

How to Make Homemade Mouthwash

How to Make Homemade Mouthwash

Mouthwash your family will love! Make only enough for a week at a time to keep fresh.

Things You'll Need:

1 tsp raw hone

2 drops peppermint essential oil

2 drops spearmint essential oil

1 drop anise seed oil

1 tsp fresh lemon juice

1 cup warmed distilled water


Mix the honey, essential oils, and lemon juice in a container.


Add the warm water and mix until completely dissolved.


Before each use, shake well. Pour about 2-3 tablespoons into a glass and swish around in your mouth. Spit out.